Sunday, May 13, 2007


I caught this nasty guy in my tank. I believe is some kind of bristle worm. I had been seeing him for a few days in the same spot. I identified the rock that he was using as a home and luckily it was one I could pick up. When I did, I raised the rock to the surface and turned it around and there it was, coiled up in a hole. I scooped him out with one of my tools. It was actually fairly easy to do, so I know I am lucky. I researched it on the internet and most sites say that it is harmful to corals. Some sites say that they can be harmless and are good scavengers. I decided to not take chances. Especially since I think he ate my red sea pulsating xenias.

Monday, May 7, 2007

I can't find Nemo!

My one year old percula clown jumped out of the tank last Saturday night. He used to sleep right on the surface against the glass. I am guessing that it got scared and jumped a bit and that was enough for him to clear the back of the tank. In the mornings, while the lunar lights were on, I could hear him his splash on the surface scared as you walked by the tank. This is not my first fish suicide. A couple of months back I lost a beautiful wrasse. In prior years, I have lost others. A six line wrasses and an awesome valentini puffer comes to mind. I am pretty upset about this one though. My son called him Marlin (Nemo’s dad). My son has not realized yet that Marlin is gone. I guess it’s back to the store now and the question is to replace or to get something different.