Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mixed Zoanthids

This group of mixed-color Zoanthids is one of the newer additions. They were added on 8/27/06. As I run out of space in the tank I am more careful about what I add and when. This coral is very easy to maintain and it looks great. The tank has been running for close to a year now. There are corals that have nearly doubled in size and I now have to watch how the distances between them get smaller. Soon, compatibility issues come up and I relocate corals accordingly.

Quick Stats: Care Level: Easy; Light: Moderate; Water Flow: Medium; Placement: Middle to Top; Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12; Color Form: Green, Orange; Temperament: Semi-aggressive; Ideal Supplements: Trace Elements, Iodine; Origin: Indonesia; Family: Zoanthidae

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