Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's all gone.

With much sadness, the tank was taken down last month. I accepted a new job in we are relocating to Wisconsin. I was able to sell some pieces of corals to a friend that actually sold me must of the live rock to me when I started, because he was moving. Also, I got the local FS guy to come over and he took the tank down and boxed it up in an hour or so. Then he sold a lot of the livestock to one of his clients and the rest went to the local FS for a store credit. Oh well. I will come back bigger and better. I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may or may not know that we have a 46 gallon tank and its going good. We have a few corals and an anemone, and 2 false clowns, lastly we have 3 damsels. We have a emerald crab too but he is not that exciting. I'm hoping for some advice on fish and corals as in whats good or not good. I also would like to tell you that I hope our tank will look something like yours with time. It looks great and I'm sorry that you had to take it down.